To understand the change of global geostrategy and geoeconomics there is one area to keep our eyes on: The Indo-Pacific region
In Europe we are talking about European strategic autonomy in the wider ‘Indo-Pacific’ stage. The United States tries to maintain a balance of power in Asia but sees that Chinese actions threaten US national interests and western democratic values. Japan and Europe have shared interests and growing cooperation. The strategic message from South Korea intends is clear: it is pursuing its own regional initiatives but is busy with the North.
Today The Indo-Pacific is at the centre of gravity of economic growth and innovation in the world. The three largest economies, the USA, China, and Japan are there. The Indo-Pacific is a powerhouse or destroyer of world economy. And the Indo-Pacific is home of the most exciting, dynamic and innovative cities in the world. Next decades Asia will represent half of global GDP and 40% of global consumption.
What all this means to future of Finland and Europe?